Πέμπτη 1 Νοεμβρίου 2012

Three Steps to Getting Anything You Want

You can get anything you want if you do three things: "NAME" or describe exactly what you need to create, accomplish or produce, "WANT" that result or product, and "ORGANIZE TO GET" that result or product.

This article addresses NAME. Future articles will cover WANT and ORGANIZE.


David, a highly-successful business owner, was having a difficult time finding a new wife. Because of his status, wealth, charm and social connections, dozens of single women were attracted to him. Yet after a year of dating, David could not find his new mate. "I can't decide who I want to be with. It's driving me crazy!"

So he learned to "Name" the mate he was seeking. He described, in writing, every characteristic he wanted in a wife. After a few minutes, he became excited about his list of qualities. ". . . good sense of humor, likes to entertain, wants a big family, lets me eat snacks in bed . . ." He said, "As soon as I meet her, we're getting married!"

Four weeks later he met his mate. He recognized her immediately as he had named exactly who he was looking for. They have been married for 24 years and have four children.

Get Specific
The more specific you are when you name the product, the more likely you will get what you need and want.

For example, if the boss tells a staff member, "Get busy," you will see lots of action, but may not see any products. The staff member accomplishes more when the boss says, "File that stack of papers and make these 40 calls today."

Parents who name products with their kids have happier, more productive children. For example, "Clean up this mess!" is not nearly as effective as "Pick up all the toys on the rug and put them in your toy box over there, right now."

If you push yourself to succeed without naming what you specifically want to produce, you waste time and energy.

For example you say, "I have to get some money fast!" You then jump from one task to another and accomplish nothing.

If instead you say, "I need $5000 by the end of the month. That means I need to produce the following . . . ." And then you name the necessary products or objectives you need to accomplish. As a result, your chances of getting the $5000 are much greater.

How to Name What You Want
Naming your products or objectives is an important and powerful step you must take to increase your income, rise to the top in your profession, find the perfect place to live, pay off your debts, find a great job, hire terrific employees, start a successful business and so on.

Naming your product allows you to focus on the exact action you need to take, produce, create, accomplish or locate. You can name your products for the hour, day, week, month, year, decade or lifetime. These steps may help you.

1. Think of something you need or want.

2. Describe this product, result or objective as specifically as possible. List the qualities in detail.

3. Include a date when you want to get it produced or accomplished, and then get started.

4. As you work to get what you need or want, review your description regularly.

5. Constantly revise and update your description, as you think of new qualities or discover what you truly want or do not want.

6. If you discover your product or objective is unrealistic, revise your description to fit reality.

7. Persist until you get it.

Provided by TipsForSuccess.org as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you. 
Copyright © 2012 TipsForSuccess.org. All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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