Τρίτη 17 Ιουλίου 2012

Automotive Sales Training Vll: The Road to the Sale in 13 Steps

The Road to the Sale in 13 Steps

The sale is not an easy journey to get through. In this part of the Automotive Sales Training and Management Series, we’ll discuss that journey and avoiding the pitfalls of it.
In this part of the Automotive Sales Training and Management Series, we’ll on the road to the sale in 13 easy steps.
The Road to the sale will prove vital to salespeople in getting to identifying the product, learn how to present the product, making sense of the proposal, and closing the sale successfully.(see part Vl)
Automotive Sales Training Vll: The Road to the Sale in 13 Steps
1. Attitude: Have a positive attitude. Love what you’re doing and the product that you are selling. Be genuine in your want to provide service to your customers. GIVE. GIVE. GIVE.
2. The Greeting: Smile! Give a firm handshake. Stand up straight. Introduce yourself clearly. You’re on the fast track to starting a great sale.
3. Fact Finding: What’s critical, or important in the buyers mind? What are their desires and beliefs toward the car? Find out the answers to these questions and you’ll be one step closer to closing that deal by providing them with what they want.
4. Appraisal: Get to know the rules of negotiation when the buyer is trading something in to set up the selection and demonstration. This will help with structuring your negation.
5. The Selection: By knowing what kind of car your customer is looking for, you can have an idea of the selection of the right options to satisfy your customer’s wants and learning about their buying patterns.
6. Demonstration: This is when you take the time to show off the features and benefits of the selected automobile and demonstrate them to where you create a strong urgency and desire for the customer to purchase the vehicle.
7. Trial Close: Here you can test where the buyers are in their ownership process, and make sure that the car fits the buyer’s needs and how close he/she is to buying the car.
8. The Service Walk: This is when you walk the customer to the Service department and introduce them not only to the service people but also letting your customer know that service does not end after they walk out of the door.
9. Write up: Very vital! You should write up a proposal to present to the customer and enter into negotiations. Write each and every one of your customers. NO exceptions.
10. Negotiation: This is the junction where the parties come to an agreement. This is not when you go back and forth, this is the time to find a mutual place of AGREEMENT.
11. The Close: Use and specific technology to get agreement and action to exchange things of value with each other. There are literally hundreds of ways to close a deal. Get to know all of them in helping you seal the deal.
12. The Delivery: Make sure that the customer is fully satisfied and understands how to use all the features of their new vehicle. Personally make sure you provide an efficient follow up with your customers to ensure higher chances of customer comebacks and referrals.
13. Follow Up: Staying in touch with your clients to make sure you continue the customer satisfaction experience. This will allow you to build relationships, grow your network, and establish a strong business platform.
Re-read this article if you have to, but no matter what it takes, memorize these thirteen steps and I guarantee you’ll find success in getting those sales. Selling is like any sport, the more you train, the better you get. Utilize this Automotive Sales Trainingand Management Series and get better, sell more, and grab that success!
Grant Cardone, International Sales Training Expert and NY Times Best-Selling Author
www.GrantCardone.com | www.CardoneOnDemand.com

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