Τετάρτη 18 Ιουλίου 2012

How to Close the Sale - Part 4: Be Closed on You!

Be YOU to Close the Sale

Even if the product or service you’re selling is the best that’s out there, the one thing that will be even more critical to close the sale is YOU. That’s right… you. How can you close the sale if the customer doesn’t trust the person selling them?
In the last part of the “How to Close the Sale” series, I gave you 5 steps to take to help you close the sale. To go along with those steps, at the bottom of it all is you. You need to have the confidence, knowledge, and skills necessary to utilize these strategies that will help you ultimately close the sale.
All it takes is one “wrong” response from the sales person to the potential to lose the sale and waste that opportunity. And with the economy the way it is, each and every one counts! So many companies out there have put all of their focus on their service or product that most have forgotten about their responsibility to work on the fundamentals. The fundamentals will teach you how to close the sale. It’s essential that management and everyone in the sales team return to working on basic communication skills in order to fully take advantage of every opportunity that comes up.
Companies will rely on each individual sale in an economy where there aren’t as many sales opportunities as there once were. An untrained and unprepared sales person who stammers and gives out badly thought-out answers is too costly for any company. It’s crucial that each business to present a different experience with their sales teams in order to stand apart from the competition to build a positive atmosphere that will help close the sale.
Value is extremely subjective and much more crucial than price!
When the sales consultant spends too much time discussing price, he or she compromises the development of value. This doesn’t mean you don’t discuss price but rather handle it appropriately and return to building value!
Has a customer ever told you that what you’re selling is too expensive and then goes to your competition and purchases it for even more? This is proof that the value of price really is a myth. In reality, that customer wasn’t talking about the value of what you were selling but instead the value of your service not being worth the price of what you were selling.
You as the sales person must create a positive selling environment, one that presents honest and reliable communication to provide information and service that is non-confrontational. This is your job as a great sales person, and if you can do that, I can guarantee that you’ll be able to close the sale. This all begins with a clear introduction of yourself and a firm handshake. Everything else will follow.
After you’ve become closed on yourself, the next step is for you to be closed on the product or service you’re selling which we’ll cover in the next article of the “How to Close the Sale” series.
Grant Cardone, International Sales Training Expert and NY Times Best-Selling Author

Close the Sale - The Be Grateful Close

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