Τετάρτη 18 Ιουλίου 2012

Car Sales Training Tips and Strategies Series Part 5

Top 10 Secrets to Closing The Deal

There are a lot of things that can aid in your negotiation and closing the deal. Some more complicated than others, but the most important things to remember when closing a deal are the simple things.
In this part of the Car Sales Training Tips and Strategies Series, we’ll go over 10 secrets to closing the deal. These secrets are the some of the most simple of concepts that most people tend to forget.
Car Sales Training Tip #1 They’re ALL Buyers: Regardless of what you may have learned in the past, treat every customer as though they’re going to buy. Don’t place people into categories because once you do, you won’t give all of your focus and dedication to them. You wouldn’t want to spend time on a sale that you think can’t happen. But stay positive and make it happen.
Car Sales Training Tip #2 There is Always An Agreement: You need to have and maintain the right mind set that you CAN and WILL reach an agreement. Invest time in clearing your mind from negative thoughts. Always BE POSITIVE and find the agreement.
Car Sales Training Tip #3 BE POSITIVE: It’s true that you can’t always control what happens around you, but you can know how you respond to it. While negotiating or closing, it’s critical that you control your thoughts, posture, words, and attitude regardless of your customer’s mood. Always be positive at all times.
Car Sales Training Tip #4 SMILE: Not that fake grin that poses as a smile, but a genuine smile. When babies smile, you just know it’s genuine and that they’re really happy. Happiness is infectious. A genuine smile can melt resistance more that any words. Put out that smile.
Car Sales Training Tip #5 Always Acknowledge: No matter what, always acknowledge everything the customer says. Even if you disagree with it, acknowledging the fact that you listened to what he or she has to say will bring you appreciation and mutual acknowledgement to what you have to say which will help.
Car Sales Training Tip #6 Acknowledge First, Disagree Later: It’s almost inevitable to come across a disagreement during any negotiations. At the beginning of a negotiation, always acknowledge an understanding first instead of immediately disagreeing with what the customer has to say. Forgo the disagreement until later on. This way by letting them know that you understand where they’re coming from in the beginning, it softens the customer instead of immediately building a defensive wall and leaves them open to hear what you have to say.
Car Sales Training Tip #7 Solution Finder: This is what could differentiate you from amateur to professional. Instead of focusing on the negative, again, be positive and FIND THE SOLUTIONS.
Car Sales Training Tip #8 Be Dedicated: Be so dedicated to the point where you refuse not to close the deal, this is beyond selling, beyond negotiating, this means being a professional. Dedicate yourself to the point where you’ll do whatever it takes to end your interaction with the customer driving away in that car.
Car Sales Training Tip #9 Learn the Closes: Apply all the possible closes you know and go learn more! Know them like the back of your hand, and you’ll have the arsenal to make that close!
Car Sales Training Tip #10 Provide True Service: You can do everything (presenting, demonstrating, agreeing, building trust, etc), BUT until they sign on the dotted line, you are not providing true service. True service means closing the deal and providing the customer with a car they’ll be smiling driving out of the dealership with.
That’s it. These concepts may seem simple, but as with anything, it takes practice and daily training. Success isn’t hard to achieve because if you want it, do whatever it takes to get it. Success is your duty and responsibility. Go get it!
Grant Cardone, International Sales Training Expert and NY Times Best-Selling Author
www.GrantCardone.com | www.CardoneOnDemand.com

The importance of Closing the deal

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