Τετάρτη 18 Ιουλίου 2012

How to Be a Better Salesperson Series – Pt. 4

Building Relationships and your Powerbase

I have showed you in the series 1,2 and 3 one of the greatest ways to become a good salesperson, although I believe you can be more than a good one, you could be the most successful salesperson if you know how to cultivate relationships.
Let’s say that you had a customer come in, and you did everything you could to try and close a deal that day. You had a great attitude, created the perfect comfortable environment, used all of the closes you knew, but ultimately, he or she just didn’t end up buying the product. Should you just forget about that customer who you just spent all of that time with?
Doing that would be a fatal mistake. In this part of the “How to Be a Better Sales Person” series, we’ll go over how building relationships with your customers also means building your powerbase for future customers and future sales.
Just because that one sale didn’t end up closing, you spent valuable time and effort in getting to know that customer and building a relationship with that person. Don’t let it go to waste! Make sure you have all of their information stored so that you can follow up with them later on. The problem with most salespeople is that they never follow up with the customer. It takes one quick phone call, maybe a few minutes of your time.
When you follow up with them, you show the customer that you really cared about their business and wanting to provide great service to them. This way when they are fully ready and wanting to go buy a product, they’ll come back to you instead of your competitor because they remember how amazingly you treated them. You’ll be a better salesperson! Not only will you stand out from your competition and get sales, even if that customer still isn’t quite ready to buy just yet, they have friends and family.
A big part of sales is word-of-mouth. When that customer’s friend or family member asks for suggestions on where they can find a type of product like what you’re selling, who do you think your original customer would mention? Because of the great impression you left on them, they’ll recommend their friends and family to you. This means a boost in your powerbase and an increase in your sales!
Don’t be like everyone else out there and just focus on the immediate sales. Dominate your competition by being different and build those relationships with all of your customers and potential customers. This way you won’t only get the opportunities that come to you, but you are creating sales opportunities for yourself. This is how you will be a better sales person.
Now that you’ve increased your powerbase, the next step is to master the power of prediction. That’s right in the next article I’ll give you the secrets to PREDICTION in order to help you be a better salesperson.
Grant Cardone, International Sales Training Expert and NY Times Best-Selling Author
www.GrantCardone.com | www.CardoneOnDemand.com

How to be a better salesperson?

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