Τετάρτη 18 Ιουλίου 2012

How to Be a Better Salesperson Series – Pt. 5

Master the Art of Prediction

Imagine if you could predict the future. To have the power of knowing something’s going to happen before it even happens. You can know what your customer will say before they even say it. Imagine how many deals you could better navigate and close by doing this. You could be a better sales person this way. Well, I want to let you in on something… stop imagining because you can.
In this part of the “How to Be a Better Salesperson” series, I’ll let you in on how you can master the art of prediction, so you can be ready for anything a customer throws at you.
In order to be a better sales person and master prediction, here’s the secret… you have to PAY ATTENTION. By this, I mean you must pay attention in every customer interaction and view it without emotion or blame and take notes. After a little while, you’ll start to recognize a set of patterns that happen with every sale. You’ll be able to separate your customers into different categories and from there on be able to notice that they all have similar responses.
This is how you predict. Every individual on this planet is different, but we all share different similarities; some more than others. When you’re in the middle of a sale with one customer and you’re able recognize that it’s headed in a similar direction as a sale you had a few days ago, you can learn from that previous sale and do something different. You can be a better sales person and acknowledge their concern before they even have a chance to which will not only surprise them but show them that you two share a similar viewpoint. You’ll be able to relate to the customer in a better way.
Prediction isn’t about some magical power. We live in the real world where life throws things at us that come from a different direction every time. There’s no way to really tell the future, but there is a way to anticipate the possibility of patterns and habits to be a better sales person. People are creatures of habit, so by knowing you’ll gain the knowledge necessary to keep selling no matter what the situation. To KNOW means you’ll be able to get fewer NOs. Fewer NOs mean more a lot more YES which equal to a boost in SALES.
The first step is to take notes and record down every objection all customers give you. Every time they give you one just write it down. Then, study those notes and look for similarities in the objections. Match up those similarities and then come up with possible solutions you could give to alleviate those issues. Next time a similar objection comes up you’ll be a better salesperson by having the solution before the customer even fully thinks about a possible objection.
Now that you’ve committed to having a great attitude and built your power-base within a positive environment utilizing the power of prediction, the final step to be a better sales person is to learn about the price myth.
Grant Cardone, International Sales Training Expert and NY Times Best-Selling Author
www.GrantCardone.com | www.CardoneOnDemand.com

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