Δευτέρα 30 Απριλίου 2012

How to Market During a Recession

How to Market During a Recession
Jim Blasingame, the Small Business GameListen to an interview with Joy Gendusa, as a guest on Jim Blasingame's Small Business Advocate program. In it, she gives tips on how to market during a recession to gain market share.


The war between marketing and sales

The war between marketing and sales
Patrick ValtinConsultant and trainer, Patrick Valtin, explains the real key to selling on this audio seminar for the Central Valley Business Times of Southern California. [Pre-recorded.]

Έξοχη διαφοροποίηση μεταξύ Marketing και πωλήσεων. Ο Patrick αποκαλύπτει ποιός είναι ο κύριος λόγος που οι άνθρωποι θα αγοράσουν από ΕΣΕΝΑ.


Τετάρτη 25 Απριλίου 2012

Your Power of Publicity

Learn how to get your book the media attention that will reach your target audience! 

Watch this information-packed video of Marsha Friedman, the CEO of EMSI, in a recent presentation to a large group of business owners, teaching them how to harness the power of the media in order to explode their sales. 

This video is filled with vital PR tips that you can easily apply to the promotion of your company, product, service or book!

Δείτε το site του δημιουργού.

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Τετάρτη 18 Απριλίου 2012

"Pull Selling" - What is It?


Part I

In the first part of this in-depth article, I will presents vital principles of selling in over-competitive, saturated markets. I have trained over 45,000 sales professionals and executives on the subject of salesmanship, so I can tell you from first-hand what customers today consider as most important in their relationship with you, the sales Pro, and how you can pull them into wanting your product...without pushing!
Expert Author Patrick ValtinYou think your first mission is to sell your product or to lead your potential customer to make a buying decision, based on your logical arguments? Think again. The customer who decides to listen to you is hoping to believe one thing: you should be able to handle his problem or challenge better than anybody else! You might not realize it fully, but your role and responsibility are vital - no matter the customer's attitude or manners toward you. In periods of crisis and uncertainty, the customer is craving for a relationship of care, trust and dedication.
Do you know what people instantly respond to, especially in our uncertain times? Your willingness to help, your desire to understand! Rest assured: you don't need to transform yourself into a psycho-analyst; you just need to put more attention on what he is telling you and much less on what you want to say.

Greece and the global financial crisis

Greece and the global financial crisis, how does this affect you and your loved ones? What happens if the world economy implodes? What are you going to do about it? I'm ready for whatever happens, are you?

The purpose of prospecting

Success Through Prospecting

12 Tips to Getting a Job in Any Market

Grant Cardone
Author of Sell to Survive
and International Sales
and Business Expert
With almost 16 million people out of work, more and more people are finding themselves in the job market having to land a job in a market where more jobs are being lost. This is the toughest environment in 50 years to get a job in and you better have your best game on to do so. While the consensus is that no one is hiring, apply the tips in this article exactly as they are written and I assure you that you will not just get a job but get the job you want!
1. Decide that you are going to get a job and eliminate all other options. Treat unemployment benefits like the plague and a non-option. Unemployment benefits will not prove beneficial to you in the future as they will ultimately destroy your job prospects going forward.

Grant Cardone - Financial Leader of Our Time

Grant Cardone - Financial Leader of Our Time

An Exclusive Interview By Bruce Edwin

The Hollywood Sentinel - Bruce Edwin: You created a program I read about called E-pencil.

Grant Cardone: Right.

The Hollywood Sentinel: And you were working prior to this in the automotive industry, is that the main work you were doing before you became an entrepreneur and inventor?

Grant Cardone: No actually what I did was I got out of college, and I didn't want to be an accountant, which is what my degree was in, I was in an environment that had 25 percent unemployment, two and a half times worse than it is today, interest rates for credit cards, or an automobile purchase, or a home was 15 to 18 percent, the economy was ridiculous, terrible. And this was in the late 70's, caused by the oil embargo, and so really the only job I could get at that time was sales. And when I got in to the sales business, at that time out of college, I didn't know any thing about selling, the people around me obviously didn't know any thing about selling. It’s what makes selling such a bad experience for people. People say God, I hate salespeople, and I say, 'Well, you've never met one, how would you know?" And they say, "What do you mean?,' and I tell them, "You hate meeting people that don't know how to sell, because a professional salesperson that knows what they're doing, is never offensive, they never pressure people, they are just polished professionals, and its a great experience."

Sales Strategies interview with Grant Cardone

Grant Cardone is the man when it comes to giving Sales Strategies tips and advice to small and medium sized business owners.

Most don't understand how to increase sales using online marketing and social media and Grant covers all of this, plus goal setting, how to "hustle" in your market, and much more in this sales strategy interview.

You’ll want to watch this video interview below because you’ll be fired up to take more action and sell more right after.  Here are some of the things Grant covers:
  • The real definition of “Sales” and why you need to understand it
  • What type of people to hire in sales roles (it’s not who you think at all!)
  • The biggest mistake all sales professionals make and how to overcome it
  • The easiest way to increase sales using social media
  • The art of hustling in sales (in a positive way)
  • and much more…

Want to read the entire interview?  Check out the transcript of this interview below: 

Winners Dominate

Be Competitive or Dominate? Winners Dominate, Champions Dominate & Wannabe's Compete... I say don't be competitive, don't compete, dominate. Dominate your competition, crush it. It's not about winning the race. It's about staying in the forefront of his mind. If You're Not First, You're Last 

Τρίτη 17 Απριλίου 2012

Control the Content in Your Mind

Sales Training: Control the Content in Your Mind by Grant Cardone

Tips for a Great Attitude

Sales Mistakes

Grant Cardone talks about how to question a buyer in the 21st Century.

Handling Customer's Resistance

Sales Training: Handling Customer's Resistance Grant Cardone talks about how to handle customer resistance in the sales cycle.

Relevant Sales Questions

Grant Cardone discusses the value of asking relevant sales questions in the interview process.

The importance of Sales Training

Grant Cardone talks about getting into sales.

Sales Training & 3 Types of Sales People

Justifying Price

Sales Training -Justifying Price

Closing the Deal and Increase Sales!

Secrets to Closing the Sale - Pressure and Rejection

Closing the Sale - Reason You Don't Close

Close the Sale - Cost of NOT Closing

Close the Sale - Win Win

Close the Sale - The Able Close

Close the Sale - The Be Grateful Close

Close the Sale - The Better to Live Rich Close

Close the Sale - The Agreement Close

The 1st Agreement Close The 2nd Agreement Close The 3rd Agreement Close

Close the Sale - Budget Close

The 1st Budget Close The 2nd Budget Close The 3rd Budget Close The 4th Budget Close The 5th Budget Close

Handling Sales Calls - Price Byers

Phone Sales Training for Car Dealers

Phone Sales Training

12 Commandments for Closing a Sale

Like any game there are rules to selling, especially when it comes to closing a sale. To ensure sales success in your business, whether you're a startup or an established entrepreneur, here are a dozen of my best commandments for sealing the deal.

Sales pro Grant Cardone shares his rules for helping small business owners close more deals.
BY | January 11, 2012

1. Remain seated. The saying goes, present the product, service or idea on your feet, but always negotiate from your seat. Even if your prospect stands up, remain seated. Going from a seating position to standing up suggests something has changed and allows your prospect to exit and end the negotiations.

2. Always present a proposal in writing. People do not believe what they hear, they believe what they see. Always have a contract available and a writing pad. Anything offered or points of value that are included should be written down to show buyers what they get when they make a decision with you.

3. Communicate clearly. No one will trust a person who cannot communicate clearly and confidently. I practiced using recorders and video for years and then played them back to ensure my communication was coming across the way I intended.
4. Make eye contact. This is a discipline instilled only through practice, and you can perfect it by recording yourself. If you want to be believed, it is vital to make eye contact with your prospect. It suggests interest in them and confidence in yourself, your products, your services, and in what you are proposing.

5. Always carry a pen. I remember once I was closing a deal, and I reached for my pen in my jacket but it was gone. The prospect took this as sign that he shouldn't sign—and didn't. I was devastated, and now I refuse to go anywhere without my sword in hand. All agreements require signatures and that requires ink. Keep a pen available at all times. In fact, always have a back-up pen, too.

6. Use humor. Any humor that can make people feel good, inspired or hopeful is always appropriate during the close. Everyone loves a good story, and people are more likely to make decisions when they are less serious. You will close more deals if you can get your client to lighten up and laugh.

7. Ask one more time. Figuring out another way to circle back and reposition negotiations after being told "no" ultimately will make you a great closer. It is not rude to persist; it is the sign of success and prosperity. Because I continue to ask in another way for a "yes" after being told "no" does not mean I did not listen. It only means I am more sold on my view than I am the other's view.

8. Stay with the buyer. Each time you leave the customer to check on something, it creates doubt and uncertainty in their mind. It can create undue antagonism in the negotiations, lower perceived value, and extend the closing time. But keep in mind, this does not mean there is not an appropriate time to leave a buyer and use an authority for a close, as this can be very powerful as long as it is not overused

9. Always treat prospects like buyers. Regardless of the circumstances: no money, no budget, not the decision maker -- always treat the buyer like he is a buyer. I always survey the prospect for signs that demonstrate they have bought in the past. The watch, the shirt, the suit, the necklace, the car they drove, the house they live in, the credit card they use, and others. All are evidence that this prospect has actually demonstrated the ability and history of closing. I always tell myself, "Every buyer is a buyer. Treat them as a buyer and they will turn into a buyer."

10. Stay confident. I always maintain that we can come to an agreement, no matter what I am told by the buyer or those around me. The saying goes: "Where there is a will, there is a way." This mindset of knowing you will reach an agreement requires you to eliminate all negativity from your environment as though it were a disease that kills, and be assured, it does.

11. Be positive. No matter how the buyer responds, keep it light and maintain a can-do attitude throughout the negotiations. When you go negative due to the buyer being negative there is only one outcome and it's not good. Negativity always succumbs to positivity.

12. Always smile. This is not just about your attitude, but also your physical manifestation. For the next week, practice smiling with everyone in every situation you encounter. Do this until you are able to argue with a smile, disagree with a smile, negotiate, overcome objections and close with a smile. Have you ever noticed that very successful people are smiling all the time? It is not because they are successful that they are smiling, it's how they got successful. This is a million dollar tip: Smile.

 Adapted excerpt from The Closer's Survival Guide by Grant Cardone (Cardone Enterprises, 2011).
