Τρίτη 10 Απριλίου 2012

The Secrets of Easy Email Profits

The Secrets of Easy Email Profits

A recent poll of consumers revealed that 44% of email users were inspired by email marketing to make at least one online purchase, and 41% were inspired to make at least one offline purchase.
These numbers are only expected to go up from here as more and more people are getting online and spending more and more money online.
If you want to know what is making money RIGHT NOW in the world of email marketing, then you NEED to watch this webinar.
In it, you’re going to learn things like…
  • How the tides of marketing are changing from OUTBOUND marketing to INBOUND marketing, and what this means for your business…
  • The 5 biggest mistakes you can make in email marketing.
  • Clever little tricks and techniques that you can use to get LARGE percentages of your email subscribers to actually open your emails.
  • How to craft messages and calls to action that actually drive response and get people to click, call, and buy.
  • And more…
The bottom line is this: If you’re not ALL OVER email marketing like the forty-niners that rushed the mountains of California to dig up piles and piles of gold, then you’re losing a heart-wrenching amount of money.
Watch this webinar today and learn things most people will never know about making money with email marketing!

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