Τετάρτη 18 Ιουλίου 2012

5 Simple Rules to Win the Sale

Sales Tips You Need To Know About

In this economy every opportunity has to count. You could easily blow a deal just because you are slow to answer a question or stammer through a response to your customer. Your ability to communicate is vital and will ultimately get you more money!
Here are five rules that simplify the sales process, help you communicate effectively and allow you to win the sale. Follow these rules and watch out--- you will now have new problems of too much traffic and not being able to handle all the action!
1. Always agree with your customer.
“No problem,” “Yes ma’am I can help you with that,” “Most people are just looking at first.” Always, always agree with your customer. This is the single most important and the most commonly violated rule in all of selling! People are attracted to products, ideas and people that represent the things they’re in agreement with. This is a fact of the universe. For more information on this, or to get some practice drills to make you better at agreeing, check out my website: salestrainingvt.com.
2. Know the price myth.
You can’t put a price tag on something you really love, so when asked about price, give the information immediately and then spend all your time building value. Show him the value and reconnecting the customer to his emotional needs. This is much more important than price. Value is what your customer will pay to feel emotionally satisfied—it’s the smell of the new leather, the feel of the softest tee shirt, the look of those perfect shoes, the taste of the best vintage. If he really loves it and it will really solve his problems, he will come up with the money to buy your product.
3. Move up, don’t move down.
Many salespeople make the mistake of offering something for a lower price when faced with price objections. When you move the customer down in price he’s less likely to want this next product if he didn’t want the first one. By moving him up rather than down in inventory you’ll get him thinking in terms of value and you will find out if his original objection is valid or not.
4. Give, give, give!
Selling is the act of giving not getting, serving not selling. Instead of being interested in your own commission, focus on what your product really offers the customer and how your client is going to benefit, to win from this experience. If your customer wants one option, give him three or six or even twelve options. Those professionals that care the most are the ones who go the extra mile to find ways to improve the customer’s life.
5. Standing is for losing, sitting is for closing.
You’ll almost never close a deal if you’re standing up. Sit your client down and show him what you can do for him and substantiate it with facts. Do not pitch. Sell on emotion but close on facts and figures, writing it all up for him to see for himself. Your buyer believes what he sees not what he hears so sit him down and show him!
Attitude, Approach, Action our critical to your survival and success.

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