Τετάρτη 18 Ιουλίου 2012

How to Close the Sale - Part 6: CLOSE THE SALE

All that Matters is to Close the Sale

In this final part of the How to Close the Sale series, I want to discuss that success is all about being able to do one thing: close the sale.
Today’s retail landscape is a closer’s environment not a sales environment. It’s not the best product or the best service that wins but the sales organization that can close the sale. There is only one lowest-price provider in any given market. It’s not the lowest price, lowest payment, or even the best terms that wins, but the sales organization that is able to best make sense of their proposition.
Let’s face it your manufacturer has done massive amounts of research on the price points of your products and what incentives are necessary to make that product a competitive value. Lowering the price and improving the terms is a deadly strategy that’s left other companies suffering and unable to close the sale.
There are only four ways to distinguish yourself in the market -priceproductpeople, andprocesses. Only two of the latter are those that you control. You don’t make the product, and you don’t control the pricing. All of your attention and solutions should be placed on two things you can control- people and processes.
For instance, if you’re in the auto industry, the old sales process of keeping the buyer at your dealership as long as possible, negotiating for 4 hours to make a mini-deal, and trying to give as little information as possible is at best resisted and as most would agree, over with! We live in the world of information, with buyers accessing invoice, financing terms, and trade figures over their smart phones! It’s safe to assume that all buyers (not just some) are internet buyers today. This means if the buyer is better informed, you must better inform your sales people and management team!

It's all about the Close.

Quick recap:
1) You are not paid to sell you are paid to close.
2) It’s impossible to have customer satisfaction until you close the sale.
3) If you can’t close, you won’t be motivated to do the other things.
4) There is no value exchanged until a close takes place.
5) There can only be one lowest cost provider in any market so the rest of you will have to learn how to make sense of the money and close the sale!
Bring your sales process into the 21st century – Make your process quick, easy, and believable for your buyer, and then focus all your energy and efforts on training your people on how to close the sale. An organization that knows how to successfully close the sale is an organization that is closing more sales!
Be successful and CLOSE THE SALE!
Grant Cardone, International Sales Training Expert and NY Times Best-Selling Author

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