Τετάρτη 18 Ιουλίου 2012

Car Sales Training Tips And Strategies Series - Part 3

Qualifying The Buyer

Questions control the sale. Questions lead to everything else:
1.) The Presentation of the Vehicle
2.) The Negotiation
3.) How You Close the Sale
In this part of the “Car Sales Training Tips and Strategies” Series, we’ll go over why it’s so important to correctly qualify the buyer and the simple steps to doing it.
Asking questions should be simple enough right? You’re just getting information? Wrong.
You can’t sell someone the right kind of car when you don’t know what the right kind of car is for him or her. You don’t know that because you haven’t spent enough time getting to know them, their wants, their needs!
You can’t just ask any question and expect to get an answer. Even if you do get one, it’s probably not going to be an honest one. The way you ask questions and the actual questions that you ask will determine the kind of answers you’ll get. From those answers, you should be able to find out 3 things about the customer:
1.) WHAT kind of car they want.
2.) WHY they want that kind of car.
3.) HOW they can buy the car/ you can make sense of them making a decision
Most of the salespeople out there start off by just going into detail about the cars they’re trying to sell without knowing if they would even fit the buyer’s needs. Not asking is even worse than asking bad questions. Bad questions are still bad for a reason.
If you start asking blunt questions like, “How much do you owe?” or “How much can you afford to pay?” You’re going to put the already defensive customer into an even more defensive mode. You will lose that sale.
One question (well-worded and presented) can get you multiple questions. For example, if you ask a customer, “What do you like about the car you have?” chances are that they won’t only give you one reason. They’ll give you a list of reasons and maybe even lead themselves into telling you what they don’t like about the vehicle. The customer will let their guard down a bit because he or she gets to share their opinion.
Opinions are easier to give than hard answers because there is no right or wrong. They can’t be told they can’t afford the vehicle they want because of their answer. Even if the latter is the case, find out if that really is the car that they NEED. Not want but NEED. Often times the two don’t match. You can only know the answer through asking the right questions, qualifying the buyer.
Car Sales Training Tip And Strategy Get to know your customer, and you’ll get to close that sale.(See part lV)
Grant Cardone, International Sales Training Expert and NY Times Best-Selling Author
www.GrantCardone.com | www.CardoneOnDemand.com
The biggest Mistakes in Asking Questions

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