Τετάρτη 18 Ιουλίου 2012


The Left or The Right?

While the population of our country further solidifies its position to the ‘right’ or ‘left’ and others frustrated with both and giving up hope, I suggest you put your attention on yourself and what you can do, rather than Left or Right and what neither of them can or will do. If you want to make your life better for yourself, your community and the planet quit waiting for the left or the right to do it when you could be doing it.
You can end any passionate ‘party-blame’ discussion by immediately interjecting, “neither party has a solution to problems today, change will not happen until each of us change.” The Left or the Right are NOT going to improve your personal condition – they have had 50 years to do so and it appears that things are only getting worse. The economy, employment, health care, crime, education, poverty and the likes all show signs of worsening. Both sides are caught up in rhetoric and pleasing their lobbyist friends, while you and I are left to provide for our families and make our companies work. This “left vs right” argument appears to be driven to keep your attention on right or wrong and who is to blame rather than what you can do to improve the conditions of your neighborhoods, your business, and your community.

John Kennedy said, “it’s not what your country can do for you but what can you do for your country.” Some anonymous wise man once said, “If it is to be, it’s up to me!” It is time each of us gets our attention on being the solution otherwise we are just part of the problem. Politics don’t change conditions, people do.
Your security comes from your abilities and abilities are improved by taking action. I find when I am taking a lot of action I improve the conditions of my life, and am no longer waiting for someone else to do it for me. NO PARTY CAN SAVE THE DAY FOR YOU, AND IT IS TIME THE AMERICAN POPULATION BREAKS THEIR ALLEGIANCE ON THE ELEPHANT OR THE DONKEY AND RIGHTFULLY ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY FOR IMPROVING THEIR OWN SITUATION. How could you possibly trust a symbol to do man’s job anyway?
America has become so committed to its political position (most of which has not be fully analyzed on either side) it has quit thinking about what each of us can do to make things go right, to pitch in and make a difference.
We all contributed to the current economic downturn and the sooner we accept responsibility for it, quit blaming others and quit waiting for someone else to save the day -- the sooner our lives, our businesses, our finances and our communities will improve. People choosing Right or Left is an indication that they are probably not taking responsibility. The next time you find yourself in a ‘left vs. right’ argument ask yourself what are YOU doing to make a difference.
Grant CardoneInternational Sales Training Expert and NY Times Best Selling Author
www.grantcardone.com | www.CardoneOnDemand.com

Expand and Conquer in the New Economy

Today we're looking at the 4 types of responses you can have to whats happening in today's market. Are you being a cheerleader? Is it back to basics time? Is it time to put our heads in the sand? Or... Is there an approach that will not only get you through these tough times but help you get ahead as well?

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