Τετάρτη 18 Ιουλίου 2012

How to Be a Better Sales Person Series – Pt. 3

Create the Perfect Selling Environment

You can tell a lot about who someone is through their environment. For example, if you look at a person’s desk and it’s cluttered with papers, pens, and other random objects, it’s probably a good guess that they’re disorganized. On the flip side, if a person has a desk where everything is organized into neat piles and is very clean, it’s a good guess that that person likes to be on top things.
In this part of the “How to Be a Better Sales Person” series, we’ll cover your environment and the environment you personally create for customers can help you become a better sales person and close more deals.
It’s been said that everyone is a product of their environment. It’s not difficult to conclude that if a sales person works in a negative and stressful environment, then he or she will in turn be affected by that negativity and pass it onto the experience they create with potential customers. That’s the last thing any organization wants or needs.
As management, a work environment that is as free of stress and negativity should be at the top of the priority list along with making sure the sales team has all tools necessary to sell and not only sell but do it well. Having this environment and positive reinforcement will allow the sales team the ability to focus on making sure the customer is taken care of to the best of their capability.
As a sales person, you should create an environment that makes the customer feel comfortable and let their guard down. Customers immediately have their defense up when they walk in because they’re afraid of being pressured by the “stereotypical” sales people. Don’t be like them. BE DIFFERENT. Don’t pressure them. Just create a comfortable environment by offering service, providing information, and making sure the customer knows that you are there for them. You are there to help them make their own decision, the one that is best for them, not the one that you think is best for them.
In order to be a better sales person, you have to surround yourself in a positive environment and then create your own positive environment for your customer. Remember that at the end of the day, we’re all human. None of us were born sales people, we were all born babies. We are products of our environment. If you want that sale, make a place that allows that sale to grow and succeed positively.
Now that you’ve got this great environment around you, the next step will be to build your relationships which we’ll go over in the next article in the “How to Be a Better Sales Person” series.
Grant Cardone, International Sales Training Expert and NY Times Best-Selling Author
www.GrantCardone.com | www.CardoneOnDemand.com

How to be a better salesperson? 

Control Your Mind

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