Τετάρτη 18 Ιουλίου 2012

How to Close the Sale - Part 1 Selling vs. Closing

Selling vs. Closing to Close the Sale

Merriam’s Dictionary describes selling as the action of persuading or influencing another to a course of action or to the acceptance of something. While most people get confused between the concepts of closing and selling. Though they may sound similar do not be mistaken; they’re two separate things! Closing is the critical exchange point whereby there is a transfer point from one action to another. This is where you quit SELLING, talking, promoting, and pitching and get your prospect to take action and exchange something they have for something you have.

Closing is the last step in the pursuit of any goal.
You have to sell in order to get to a close. They’re two different things, but selling is 80% of the sales process. It is the foundation. Without it there can be no final sale. Closing is the last 20% but it’s the most important. Without it there is no reason to have the other 80%. Without the close there is no value in the sales pitch. But without the sales pitch you can never get for the close. These two actions have to be done together to close the sale.
In order to sell you must appeal to a customers’ emotions. You must get the customer to fall in love with the product or service you’re providing. This is done by showing them the benefits, comparing it what they already have, and showing them that yours isn’t only better but making them realize that your product or service will solve their problems. You should stand when you sell. Let your love of the product and your attitude be so infectious that your customer begins to feel consumed by it and has no choice but to love it as well.
Once you’ve gotten them to fall in love with the product and believe that there’s nothing else that will help them, you should proceed to close the sale. Closing is based on logic and facts. Closing is about the numbers. Thus, closing is a science.
The first step in this process is to make sure you and your client are sitting down. Even if your client gets up to walk away, sit down to convey that you’re not done, yet. Getting up will only justify their reason for standing up. Always remember: “Standing is for losing, Sitting is for Closing.”

While you can talk during the selling process, in the close you have to show numbers. Write everything out, payment terms, down payment, financing numbers, and so on. In the close, you are logically showing the client that they can afford this product or service. That’s why my “Close the Sale” app (ClosetheSaleApp.com) for smart phones and the “Closer’s Survival Guide”program are essential to any closer. They provide the formulas necessary to understand the science of closing. To close the sale is like when you were learning in math, learning how to add and subtract. At first, it all seemed complicated and you were at a complete loss of how to do it. But as soon as you learned the rules, it was simple. That’s what closing is, adding and subtracting. The first step to close the sale is through knowing what closing is.
In the next part of the “How to Close the Sale” series, we’ll discuss how doing your research and rehearsal will help you close the sale even faster and better.
Grant CardoneInternational Sales Training Expert and NY Times Best-Seller

Close the Sale - Cost of NOT Closing

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