Τετάρτη 18 Ιουλίου 2012

Car Sales Training Tips and Strategies Series - Part 2

Collect the Right Information in 4 Easy Steps

Information has always been power. Those with more information have better chances to succeed than those with less. In this part of the Car Sales Training Tips and Strategies Series, we’ll cover how collecting the RIGHT information and in a non-confrontational way will help you close more deals.
Why do you want to collect information? You don’t. You want to collect the RIGHT information. The fact that they ate a burger at a diner 6 days ago probably won’t help you too much in closing that sale. That’s random information. The purpose of collecting the right information from your buyer allows you to understand the buyer’s mindset, tastes, needs, and ultimately, the right automobile for him or her.
Does this mean you just ask questions like, “How’s your credit? How much are you willing to pay? If I give you the right figures would you buy it today?”
If you asked questions like that, not only would you make the customer feel uncomfortable but also your chances at getting honest answers are slim to none. Do that and watch your chances at selling that car disappear. Most auto sales training programs would simply tell you to get information but not how to approach getting that information because how you approach asking is just as important as what you ask.
How to Collect the Right Information in 4 easy steps:
Car Sales Training Tip #1 Ask Positive Questions: Finding out information on the buyers car would allow you to understand their tastes and would help you to choose the right unit for them.
Car Sales Training Tip #2 Be Polite but Direct: Your attitude determines how receptive someone will be as much as what you ask them. Be direct but don’t forget to BE POLITE. Treat your customer with respect and be positive while doing so and you’ll gain respect back.
Car Sales Training Tip #3 Ask for their Opinions: Ask your customer questions that require no write or wrong answer, but simply their opinions. You’ll be amazed at how much information you get simply by asking how someone feels or what he or she thinks about something.
Car Sales Training Tip #4 Ask Buying-Habit Questions: By knowing what kind of vehicles they’ve bought in the past, you can get a better picture of what kind of car they’re most likely going to buy in the present. History has shown that people are creatures of habit.
Remember, information can only help you in getting that sale. By knowing your customer, you’ll know the best way to provide them with what they want and need. In order to serve, you must know.(See part-lll)
Grant Cardone, International Sales Training Expert and NY Times Best-Selling Author
www.GrantCardone.com | www.CardoneOnDemand.com

In order to sell you must be sold

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