Τετάρτη 18 Ιουλίου 2012

How to Be a Better Sales Person Series – Pt. 2

Attitude Through Communication

How do you communicate? Is it by the way you speak? The words you use? The tone in your voice? Do you communicate with your eyes? The way you look at someone? It’s all of that and more.
In this part of the “How to Be a Better Sales Person” series, we’ll discuss how the way you communicate and show your attitude will be critical to your success as a sales person.
Sales is a people business, plain and simple. The first impressions that you make on a customer will basically make or break your chance at closing that deal. In today’s economy, you don’t want to lose any opportunity.
These days a single wrong reply from the sales consultant to the possible buyer is all it takes to lose a sale and throw away an opportunity. And in this economy, every opportunity counts! It’s vital that the sales team and management work on even basic communication skills in order to take complete advantage of every sales opportunity that comes along.
That first impression is dependent on the way you communicate your attitude to the customer from the very beginning. You’ve got to have a positive attitude, one that shows that you fully want to provide him or her with service. It’s not about “selling” a product to them but helping them acquire something that will better their lives. To be a better sales person means being kind, understanding, and give them all the information they need about what you’re selling. This is the very first step to becoming a better sales person.
In order to do the latter, you must understand how to communicate your attitude to the customer. As mentioned earlier, communicating includes many things. It is about what you say, the way you say it, eye contact, the way you shake their hand, providing a warm smile, and those just scratch the surface. Communication includes all of those factors combined all for the purpose of creating true value for the customer.
Sales people need to be sure of themselves and what they’re selling. They can’t be stammering and giving badly thought-out responses. As a company, everyone in the organization must set the stage for a different experience with their sales representatives and set themselves apart from the competition by how they communicate thus creating a positive situation through which they sell value instead of price. Instead of dropping the value, they should improve the quality of the customer experience. As a sales person, the better the customer’s experience the better your chances are at successfully getting that sale.
Along with communication, in the next article we’ll discuss how the environment you’re in as well as the environment you create can help you be a better sales person.
Grant Cardone, International Sales Training Expert and NY Times Best-Selling Author
http://www.grantcardone.com | http://www.CardoneOnDemand.com/

How to be a better salesperson?

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