Τετάρτη 18 Ιουλίου 2012

A Great Attitude is Worth More Than a Great Product

Personal Story

..........The Real Jen Harris

A positive attitude is a thousand times more important than the product itself. Just observe how people on this planet spend their money. A person will spend a small amount of his income on the necessities of life and blow his entire paycheck on entertainment. Why? Because he wants to feel good! Why does Jay Leno make more money than all of the schools teachers in Los Angeles combined? Because he makes people laugh and feel good.
People will pay more for an agreeable, positive and enjoyable experience than they will for a great product. Who doesn’t want to feel good? Who doesn’t want to be acknowledged for being right? Who doesn’t want to be smiled at and agreed with? Show me a person that doesn’t want to feel good and I’ll show you someone that you don’t want to bother selling! Man wants to feel good. Man are moved by positive and confident people, more than he is moved by great products. There will always be a market for products that make him feel good, but a person who can make someone feel good can sell almost anything! The individual that combines a great attitude with a great product becomes unstoppable!
It’s easy for a buyer to say no to a product or a company, but it’s extremely difficult to say no to a positive experience with another human being. When something makes you feel good you want more of it whether it makes sense or not. This is why people do things that aren’t good for them because for a moment or two, it made them feel good. People will spend money on things that make them feel good before they’ll spend money on things they need. This explains the poverty and debt levels we see today!
One time I saw a beautiful jacket on display in a shop window and was so intrigued by it that I went inside to have a closer look. I asked the clerk the price, which she told me as she helped me slip on the jacket. Admiring my reflection in the mirror, I protested that the price was insane and added that I didn’t even need the thing! With a warm, understanding and beautiful smile she said, “No one buys a jacket like this because they need it. They buy it because it’s beautiful and it make them feel good.” Melting in the truth of her statement, I asked her, “Do you take AMEX?”
With all the chaos and bad news that the media disseminates daily, it’s refreshing to meet a solution-oriented, positive person.
You know the kind of person I’m talking about. The kind of person who’s always smiling as they say, “Yes sir, I’ll get it done for you, I’d be happy to do that!” I want to be taken care of by positive people. I don’t want to just be sold. I want people around me who are positive, helpful, smiling and motivated. That’s what all people want.

I have a personal assistant named Jen. When I hired her she had no experience with the type of businesses I own and had never worked in the kind of environment we have. I didn’t hire Jen because of her abilities and experience, but because of her positive attitude. Jen is an upbeat “can do,” “get it done” with-a-smile-on-her-face kind of a person. It doesn’t mean that Jen doesn’t make mistakes, she does. But because of her attitude, the mistakes are acceptable. I never get mad at her no matter what she does because she’s so service oriented, so positive, so “Yes sir, I’d be happy to do that for you.” Is Jen selling? Absolutely! Every day, whether she knows it or not.
Never let anyone convince you that people won’t pay more for a great attitude and great service. The ability to be positive at all times, whether you’re winning or losing is the one thing that will ensure you’re a winner in the end. Attitude is senior to it all! I love positive people and find them irresistible. When you are positive, people will find you irresistible.
Grant Cardone, International Sales Training Expert and NY Times Best-Selling Author

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