Τετάρτη 18 Ιουλίου 2012

How to Close the Sale - Part 5: Be Closed on What You’re Selling

Know Your Product to Close the Sale

Once you are fully sold on yourself and have the confidence and sales training necessary to provide outstanding service to the customer, the next most important thing to help you close the sale involves the actual product or service you are actual selling.
In part 5 of the “How to Close the Sale” series, we’ll cover the importance of how you must fully know the product or service you are selling and be sold on it in order to close the sale. If you aren’t convinced enough to know an answer to every possible question or objection a customer can have about what you’re selling, then how can you sell them on it?
Being a great sales person means knowing everything about the product or service that you are selling. In order to know everything about it, you yourself must be closed on that product or service. You have to fully believe that what it is you are offering is so incredible, so life-changing, that everyone out there must have it because it will improve their lives.
In order to effectively close the sale, you must be so passionate and so knowledgeable that you know your product or service like the back of your hand. Any question or objection that your customer may have during the sale you should be able to confidently answer so that you address what they have to say and close them with what you have to offer.
Be a source of information for the buyer instead of trying to hide it from them. The old adage was, “The less my people know, the better off they will be.” This idea has resulted in catastrophic turnover and dealers paying for customer satisfaction scores. Information is the gateway to closing more deals. The more credible, believable, and expedient the sales person and processes, the more likely they will close the sale and the higher the chances of profit!
Once you’ve gotten them to fall in love with the product and believe that there’s nothing else that will help them, you should proceed to close the sale.
You have to know that the customer will have certain objections, but you must be able to get past them. Their objections are based on emotions that they have from before you even began to sell them on the product or service. They’re probably just reacting to a negative experience they’ve had in the past. The only way to get past their negative emotions is to use logic and facts to make sure you show them that this time their experience will not only be different but better. That is how to close the sale.
Again, be closed on whatever it is you are selling so much so that you know everything about it. I promise you that once you are, you will close the sale and many more afterward. In the final piece to my “How to Close the Sale” series, I’ll cover the final point to what this whole series is about and why it’s important: how to close the sale.
Grant CardoneInternational Sales Training Expert and NY Times Best-Selling Author

Close the Sale - The 1st Agreement Close

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